Thursday 16 May 2013



Dada started its movement in the early year of the 20th century. Dada is illustrated as a movements in which artists make for art. In order for you to understand the meaning of the works done by Dada that grew in the current period it is necessary to have a look at the artists’ situation that they were put in position to. Dada art consists of anger issues in which the artist was put through and also in there loss of acknowledgement due to the community. Dada art was also caused by the World War 1 in which it caused the artists’ upsetness. Some Dada artists had moved to Switzerland, in which it was one of the countries which was one of the uninvolved countries at that current time. While artists were moving to Switzerland they began to form important communities in Zurich. These communities were formed by the artist Hugo Ball. Other communities were formed outside of Switzerland, which were formed in Germany, in which include Berlin, Berlin was very different from Zurich because of the difficulties and problems the German Dada artists were showed off to. There was only one place Outside of Europe which formed there Dada communities which was New York. European artists started to immigrate to America to form more Dada communities. There was one very important artist from the Dada movement communities, which was Marcel Duchamp.

  • Stop Degenerate Art - DADA History. 2013. Stop Degenerate Art - DADA History. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2013].
  • Dada; A movement of artists against art. - ArtLyst. 2013. Dada; A movement of artists against art. - ArtLyst. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2013].

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